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Transparent fund solution for long-term wealth-creation

Fund Gehlen Braeutigam Value HI
Investment objective Compound co-investors‘ capital over the long-term
Recommended holding period Minimum 5 years
Category Actively managed European equity fund (min. 51% in equities)
Legal form OGAW
-R- Tranche -I- Tranche
Minimum investment EUR 200,000.00
ISIN DE000A2JQHQ2 DE000A2N8119
Inception date 7th September 2018 2nd January 2019
Currency Euro Euro
Use of proceeds Distributing Distributing
Subscription fee Currently 0.00% Currently 0.00%
Redemption fee ] Not applicable Not applicable
Savings plan eligible Yes No
Management fee % p.a. 1.60% 1.20%
Performance fee 15% of the capital gain over 4%, with High-Water-Mark*
Order acceptance deadline 4pm CET of the previous day (forward pricing); Closing day (t): T+5
Pricing frequency Daily Daily

* 15% per year of positive performance above the reference value 4% p.a. (absolutely positive share value development) calculated as performance fee, however a maximum of 15% in total. A negative performance must be caught up. Note: The sales prospectus and further investor information on the Gehlen Braeutigam Value HI fund are available at

Downloads & Informationen

Tranche R

Fund profile, factsheet, key investor information, sales prospectus, semi-annual & annual report.

Tranche I

Fund profile, factsheet, key investor information, sales prospectus, semi-annual & annual report.


    Subscribe Letter to Partners

    Investment advice according to section 2 para. 2 no. 4 German Wertpapierinstitutsgesetz (WpIG) and investment brokerage according to section 2 para. 2 no. 3 German Banking Act shall be made on behalf of, in the name of, for the account and under the liability of the responsible legal entity BN & Partners Capital AG, Steinstraße 33, 50374 Erftstadt, according to section 3 para. 2 WpIG. BN & Partners Capital AG has a corresponding license from the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) in accordance with section 15 WpIG for the prenamed investment services.